
Qualifying businesses considering a location in Kilgore have the opportunity to apply for a property tax abatement on new property value created.
Qualifying businesses considering a location in Kilgore have the opportunity to apply for a property tax abatement on new property value created.

Tax abatement on real and personal property improvements may be granted by all taxing entities in Kilgore except Kilgore Independent School District. Taxing entities may adopt a tax abatement agreement with companies according to the levels of investment and job creation.  Primary employers may qualify for a “Schedule I” or "Schedule II" abatement as shown below, or the equivalent.  Other abatement schedules may be negotiated depending on the economic impact of a project.

All jobs created must be full-time jobs within the City limits of Kilgore, Texas.


Tax Abatement Schedule I

  • Capital Improvements - Minimum of $1,000,000

  • Full-time Job Creation - 25 or More OR Payroll Increase - $625,000 Annually

Abatement Schedule

  • 1-3 Years: 100%

  • 4 Years: 75%

  • 5 Years: 50%

  • 6 Years: 25%


Tax Abatement Schedule II

  • Capital Improvements - Minimum of $500,000

  • Full-time Job Creation - 5-24 OR Payroll Increase - $250,000 Annually

Abatement Schedule

  • 1-3 Years: 50%

  • 4 Years: 37.5%

  • 5 Years: 25%

  • 6 Years: 12.5%

Tax abatement on real and personal property improvements may be granted by all taxing entities in Kilgore except Kilgore Independent School District. Taxing entities may adopt a tax abatement agreement with companies according to the levels of investment and job creation.  Primary employers may qualify for a “Schedule I” or "Schedule II" abatement as shown below, or the equivalent.  Other abatement schedules may be negotiated depending on the economic impact of a project.

All jobs created must be full-time jobs within the City limits of Kilgore, Texas.


Tax Abatement Schedule I

  • Capital Improvements - Minimum of $1,000,000

  • Full-time Job Creation - 25 or More OR Payroll Increase - $625,000 Annually

Abatement Schedule

  • 1-3 Years: 100%

  • 4 Years: 75%

  • 5 Years: 50%

  • 6 Years: 25%


Tax Abatement Schedule II

  • Capital Improvements - Minimum of $500,000

  • Full-time Job Creation - 5-24 OR Payroll Increase - $250,000 Annually

Abatement Schedule

  • 1-3 Years: 50%

  • 4 Years: 37.5%

  • 5 Years: 25%

  • 6 Years: 12.5%